Look for Kerecis at “Das schwerbrandverletzte Kind” (The Severely Burned Child)

Join us at “Das schwerbrandverletzte Kind” (The Severely Burned Child), a virtual congress in German May 7 and 8, 2021.

Look for the following Kerecis events at the congress:

  • Saturday, May 8, 13:15-13:45
    Kerecis Lunch-Workshop with Drs. Kjartansson, Schuchardt, Wallner
    “First Clinical Experience in Germany with Kerecis Omega3 Fish Skin
    for Burns”
  • Saturday, 15:00-15:15
    Lecture by Dr. Schuchardt
    “Nexobrid and Kerecis Fish Skin in the Treatment of a 4-Year-Old Girl with 40% Predominantly III° Burn”
  • Saturday, 15:15-15:30
    Lecture case of Dr. Wu / Speaker Dr. Wallner
    “The Use of Acellular Fish Skin in the Treatment of Pediatric Burns”